Weekend Yoga Immersion with Andres Acosta
July 4-5, 2020
Master class focus en Purifying Energy System and Nadis (3h)
"Yogic acupressure" (3h)
Master class focus en Purifying Energy System and Nadis (3h)
"Yogic acupressure" (3h)
Descriptions :
Saturday 11 am - 2 pm - Master class:
Deep yoga practice, with focus on purifying the energy system of our being through grounding asanas, mantra chanting, breathing techniques and Deep relaxation.
As a result, the flow of Prana (Vital Life Force) is unblocked throughout the Nadis (energy meridians). Balance is restored in the physical, mental, emotional, intuitive and psychic being.
Through constant practice contentment (santōṣḥ), ecuanimity (śamatha), conscious health, connection and well-being will be established in daily life
Sunday 11 am - 2 pm - Yogic acupressure:
When you touch something, you touch the entire Universe"
System inspired in Yogi Shivaka Kumar Baccha (He was close to Buddha and personal physician of his Sangha). Discover all the secrets behind this tradition linked to energy meridians, tricks to unblock stegnant energy, and how to connect with others through this technique while practicing "Metta" (loving kindness) meditation.
- BIO:
Born in the Andes of Colombia, South America, Andrés was lucky to encounter yoga since very young at the age of 14. His longing for self – realization guided him towards a nomadic life full of teachers, paths & yoga schools including Krishnamachar Yoga Shala Mysore, Dharma Yoga Center, 2 years of Ashram life in India, Vippasana Meditation, Pranic Consciousness, Chamanism, Ashtanga Yoga, Native American Vision Quests, among others.
After many years of inner research & outward nomadic adventure his quest finally lead him to meet the teacher that would quench his thirst for inner discovery: legendary Yogi Sri Dharma Mittra.
Linked to the fundamental teachings of Dharma Mittra (Ahimsa & Loving Kindness) he also encountered the teachings of Thai Yoga Massage (Metta & Energy bodywork), deepening his studies in Sunshine Network and Therapy Thai Massage School.
Parallel to his studies on Yoga, his aspiration to contribute to environmental conservation inspired him to finish a 5 year career on Ecology: he is currently co-founder of an environmental-human project in India (check “Sustainability & Education” link in website )
Keeping alive the “eternal student spirit”, Andrés dedicates his life to share the teachings of Yoga, Energy bodywork & Ecology around this beautiful planet: he has been teaching with regularity in Croatia, Spain, Switzerland, France, Italy, India, Colombia and Greece for the past years.
Saturday 11 am - 2 pm - Master class:
Deep yoga practice, with focus on purifying the energy system of our being through grounding asanas, mantra chanting, breathing techniques and Deep relaxation.
As a result, the flow of Prana (Vital Life Force) is unblocked throughout the Nadis (energy meridians). Balance is restored in the physical, mental, emotional, intuitive and psychic being.
Through constant practice contentment (santōṣḥ), ecuanimity (śamatha), conscious health, connection and well-being will be established in daily life
Sunday 11 am - 2 pm - Yogic acupressure:
When you touch something, you touch the entire Universe"
System inspired in Yogi Shivaka Kumar Baccha (He was close to Buddha and personal physician of his Sangha). Discover all the secrets behind this tradition linked to energy meridians, tricks to unblock stegnant energy, and how to connect with others through this technique while practicing "Metta" (loving kindness) meditation.
- BIO:
Born in the Andes of Colombia, South America, Andrés was lucky to encounter yoga since very young at the age of 14. His longing for self – realization guided him towards a nomadic life full of teachers, paths & yoga schools including Krishnamachar Yoga Shala Mysore, Dharma Yoga Center, 2 years of Ashram life in India, Vippasana Meditation, Pranic Consciousness, Chamanism, Ashtanga Yoga, Native American Vision Quests, among others.
After many years of inner research & outward nomadic adventure his quest finally lead him to meet the teacher that would quench his thirst for inner discovery: legendary Yogi Sri Dharma Mittra.
Linked to the fundamental teachings of Dharma Mittra (Ahimsa & Loving Kindness) he also encountered the teachings of Thai Yoga Massage (Metta & Energy bodywork), deepening his studies in Sunshine Network and Therapy Thai Massage School.
Parallel to his studies on Yoga, his aspiration to contribute to environmental conservation inspired him to finish a 5 year career on Ecology: he is currently co-founder of an environmental-human project in India (check “Sustainability & Education” link in website )
Keeping alive the “eternal student spirit”, Andrés dedicates his life to share the teachings of Yoga, Energy bodywork & Ecology around this beautiful planet: he has been teaching with regularity in Croatia, Spain, Switzerland, France, Italy, India, Colombia and Greece for the past years.
28 travnja 2019, nedjelja od 11-13h
ASANE & ORGANI MASTER SAT Jedan novi pogled na vašu asana praksu i njeno razumijevanje! ASANE & ORGANI Master sat - Kompletna joga praksa i teorija s fokusom na pročišćavanje unutarnjih organa kroz asane, tehnike disanja i duboko opuštanje. "Remember, through constant practice contentment (santōṣḥ), ecuanimity (śamatha), conscious health, connection and well-being will be established in daily life". Andres Acosta: Andres je počeo primati učenja joge od 14. godine. Bio je blagoslovljen mogućnošću učenja i poučavanja joge u Indiji, na različitim mjestima, uključujući Šri Patanjala Yogashala (Krishnamacharya Lineage), Auroville i Sri Aurobindo Ashrams. Paralelno s tim, njegova učenja i praksa duboko su pod utjecajem učenja legendarnog yogija Sri Dharma Mittre. Također je certificiran u Yoga Thai masaži od strane Sunshine Massage School (Tajland) i Therapy Thai Massage School (Belgija). Andres meditira svakodnevno i završio je tečajeve u Vipassana meditaciji (Goenka Lineage), Praničkoj svijesti i Viziji Potraga za Indijancima. Danas živi u Aurovilleu (Indija): internacionalnom mjestu koje su osnovali jogiji, gdje dijeli Yoga satove i terapije tajlandske yoga masaže, dok nastavlja učiti jogu, bazama hindustanske vokalne klasične glazbe, bhajana i harmonije. Andres svoj život posvećuje životu i prijenosu učenja i ljubavi za yogu. |