Kristijan Kolega (Kakudmi das)
Kristijan Kolega (Kakudmi das) was born in 1974 in Zadar, in present-day Croatia, where he spent the first 19 years of his life, including the 3 war years. At nine, he began his musical education in the music school in Zadar, but he left four years later unsatisfied with the program offered for his chosen instrument, accordion. Nevertheless, he is determined to continue with a musical career. He decided to practice playing guitar on his own, being supported by his father, who at that time used to occasionally play for his own pleasure and who gave him some basic instruction on handling and adjusting the instrument.
During his studies he met some students of Vedic wisdom who had a center in Rijeka. He was overwhelmed with the logic and philosophy they taught and practiced, so he decided to get more insight into the Vedic knowledge in order to get answers to all the questions which had up till then been accumulating in his head. After just a couple of months of association with the students of the Vedas, Kristijan decided to take the biggest and most important step in his life – he left his studies and started a monk‟s life in celibacy, dedicated to the intensive study of the Vedas and the practical implementation of the Vedic wisdom.
In doing so, he was faced with great opposition from his parents who did not have understanding of his radical decision. But that did not stop Kristijan from giving up his previous lifestyle in September of 1994 and leaving for Pregrada, a small village in the region of Zagorje, where the students of the Vedas had a house with some thirty members of the society residing there. He spent a couple of months there in a basic training, after which he moved to a smaller center in the city of Čakovec. There he started a more intensive and thorough studying of the Vedic wisdom and music, concentrating on understanding the root psychological causes of human behavior. In the following year, Kristijan learned the basics of several Indian instruments and began the service of a musician/preacher.
At the end of 1995, the center in Pregrada went on sale, so Kristijan moved back to Rijeka together with the rest of the members. There, he continued with the Vedic education and became active in spreading the Vedic wisdom through music. Accepting the guidance of a spiritual teacher, he receives a new, spiritual name, Kakudmi das, on a monk‟s farm in Germany in 1996.
Together with a couple of musically gifted monks, he started a tour around Croatia, organizing public programs. After successfully completing his last tour, Kristijan decided to marry. In the summer of 1999, together with his wife and several members of his musical band, he traveled to for the United States, and he settled in Los Angeles. He took a job there in the community of like-minders as a teacher in a private Vedic school. In May of 2000, his son Nimai was born gets a son and, as a parent, Kristijan decided to begin a career in the information technology., while, at the same time, continuing with regular activities of spreading Vedic wisdom through music and preaching until his return to Croatia in 2008.
During the period between 1998 and 2007 Kristijan‟s health deteriorated due to persisting pain in the lumbar spine, neck and shoulders. His condition was getting worse over the years, causing him constant problems every time he would sit down, lift something heavy and do everyday activities. The pain was gradually increasing until it finally culminated in December of 2007. At that time it was impossible to do anything other than lie down on a hard surface. Standing up or sitting for a period longer than five minutes would cause unbearable pain in the middle back. His neck and shoulders were also causing him additional pain. It lasted for ten entire days, without any improvement. Kristijan had magnetic resonance imaging taken of his spine and finally decided for spine operation. But while in pain, which was making his life extremely difficult, he mostly concentrated on finding a solution through meditation and prayers, the practices which during that time he intensified more than ever. It helped him use his state of mind in calling upon the answers to his questions. That led to a surprising turn of events which caused his life to change for the better -- much better.
What happened is really just a happy combination of circumstances. Kristijan‟s friend, Josh, called him to see how he was feeling. Since his condition was not getting any better, Josh advised him to read a book written by Dr. John E. Sarno, in which Dr. Sarno described how it is possible to cure back pain by making simple changes in one‟s emotional state. Since he had no other options, and the operation was around the corner, Kristijan got enough strength, in spite of acute pain, to stand in front of the computer and search the Internet for a short transcript of one radio show in which Dr. Sarno explained the principle of the functioning of our subconscious mind, the way our emotional habits are created as a consequence of our traumatic past and how all we need is to find that emotional state which we fear most, which we find to be the most threatening , and to bring that state to consciousness and become aware of its intensity. According to Dr. Sarno, we do not need to solve any problems, because problems do not exist. The only thing that exists is our problematic viewpoint of things around us, our distorted perception of what is true and what is not, what is reality and what is illusion. Kristijan needed a little more than half an hour to read that short text. While reading, he used all his will power to enter the subconscious mind and find the emotion which was the cause of all bad things in his life. He recognized that emotional state as the fear of being trapped, the fear of helpless situations in which he would depend on something he did not want to depend on. The feeling of having no way out and of being helpless had with time culminated in the feeling of rage (as subconscious protection). It further reflected on the spine itself, which acts as the basic foundation of our body. While he was facing those fears, admitting they bothered him, the pain in his back disappeared as if it had never existed. During the following hour Kristijan was quickly digging through his subconscious, cleaning everything he could find, and which was up to then too scary for him to face. The pains completely disappeared, the strong ones which had lasted for ten days, and those from before, which had been there for nine years. All that was left were now considerably diminished pains in his shoulders and neck. Kristijan worked on those during the following couple of months, and they completely disappeared.
Since that moment, his health has been brought in balance, he has not had even a cold or a flu, and the pains in his body are nowhere to be found.
It was a surreal experience, which for Kristijan opened the door to a completely new perception, to the state of consciousness free from fear, even though, as he says, not entirely free, because uprooting fear is a life-long endeavor. However, the level of anxiety, doubt and indecision is indescribably lower in all spheres of his life.
That has opened the door to fresh ideas and new accomplishments for him, which, aided by his open mind and fearlessness, were unfolding one after another, in that way fulfilling all the plans that were developing in his mind. His first plan was to thoroughly investigate this method and find all the techniques which were in accordance with the self-healing technique. A couple of different alternative methods fitted in. Some of them include the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), the NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and different types of self-hypnosis, which all aided in better and easier entering the expertly hidden subconscious, where the root causes of all our problems are situated.
Those new findings convinced Kristijan that he give this knowledge to all those who were willing to take their health into their own hands. That tendency for independence has spread to other spheres of his life, so that, at present Kristijan is gathering people interested in living on a farm, where these teachings would be applied with much more ease, because nature already provides perfect conditions for a healthy life. With the help of applying the self-healing technique, this project could grow into something much larger, a life filled with happiness and peace, surrounded with support and security.
Kristijan has also written a second book on self-healing, in which he enters more deeply into the causes of our fears and ignorance, and he reveals in which way the Vedas play the most significant role of guidance through the life of an introspective person, and how it is really possible to reach the level of understanding which is needed for long-lasting happiness and health. Kristijan continues to give seminars and hold workshops throughout Croatia and the neighboring countries.
More about his work:
During his studies he met some students of Vedic wisdom who had a center in Rijeka. He was overwhelmed with the logic and philosophy they taught and practiced, so he decided to get more insight into the Vedic knowledge in order to get answers to all the questions which had up till then been accumulating in his head. After just a couple of months of association with the students of the Vedas, Kristijan decided to take the biggest and most important step in his life – he left his studies and started a monk‟s life in celibacy, dedicated to the intensive study of the Vedas and the practical implementation of the Vedic wisdom.
In doing so, he was faced with great opposition from his parents who did not have understanding of his radical decision. But that did not stop Kristijan from giving up his previous lifestyle in September of 1994 and leaving for Pregrada, a small village in the region of Zagorje, where the students of the Vedas had a house with some thirty members of the society residing there. He spent a couple of months there in a basic training, after which he moved to a smaller center in the city of Čakovec. There he started a more intensive and thorough studying of the Vedic wisdom and music, concentrating on understanding the root psychological causes of human behavior. In the following year, Kristijan learned the basics of several Indian instruments and began the service of a musician/preacher.
At the end of 1995, the center in Pregrada went on sale, so Kristijan moved back to Rijeka together with the rest of the members. There, he continued with the Vedic education and became active in spreading the Vedic wisdom through music. Accepting the guidance of a spiritual teacher, he receives a new, spiritual name, Kakudmi das, on a monk‟s farm in Germany in 1996.
Together with a couple of musically gifted monks, he started a tour around Croatia, organizing public programs. After successfully completing his last tour, Kristijan decided to marry. In the summer of 1999, together with his wife and several members of his musical band, he traveled to for the United States, and he settled in Los Angeles. He took a job there in the community of like-minders as a teacher in a private Vedic school. In May of 2000, his son Nimai was born gets a son and, as a parent, Kristijan decided to begin a career in the information technology., while, at the same time, continuing with regular activities of spreading Vedic wisdom through music and preaching until his return to Croatia in 2008.
During the period between 1998 and 2007 Kristijan‟s health deteriorated due to persisting pain in the lumbar spine, neck and shoulders. His condition was getting worse over the years, causing him constant problems every time he would sit down, lift something heavy and do everyday activities. The pain was gradually increasing until it finally culminated in December of 2007. At that time it was impossible to do anything other than lie down on a hard surface. Standing up or sitting for a period longer than five minutes would cause unbearable pain in the middle back. His neck and shoulders were also causing him additional pain. It lasted for ten entire days, without any improvement. Kristijan had magnetic resonance imaging taken of his spine and finally decided for spine operation. But while in pain, which was making his life extremely difficult, he mostly concentrated on finding a solution through meditation and prayers, the practices which during that time he intensified more than ever. It helped him use his state of mind in calling upon the answers to his questions. That led to a surprising turn of events which caused his life to change for the better -- much better.
What happened is really just a happy combination of circumstances. Kristijan‟s friend, Josh, called him to see how he was feeling. Since his condition was not getting any better, Josh advised him to read a book written by Dr. John E. Sarno, in which Dr. Sarno described how it is possible to cure back pain by making simple changes in one‟s emotional state. Since he had no other options, and the operation was around the corner, Kristijan got enough strength, in spite of acute pain, to stand in front of the computer and search the Internet for a short transcript of one radio show in which Dr. Sarno explained the principle of the functioning of our subconscious mind, the way our emotional habits are created as a consequence of our traumatic past and how all we need is to find that emotional state which we fear most, which we find to be the most threatening , and to bring that state to consciousness and become aware of its intensity. According to Dr. Sarno, we do not need to solve any problems, because problems do not exist. The only thing that exists is our problematic viewpoint of things around us, our distorted perception of what is true and what is not, what is reality and what is illusion. Kristijan needed a little more than half an hour to read that short text. While reading, he used all his will power to enter the subconscious mind and find the emotion which was the cause of all bad things in his life. He recognized that emotional state as the fear of being trapped, the fear of helpless situations in which he would depend on something he did not want to depend on. The feeling of having no way out and of being helpless had with time culminated in the feeling of rage (as subconscious protection). It further reflected on the spine itself, which acts as the basic foundation of our body. While he was facing those fears, admitting they bothered him, the pain in his back disappeared as if it had never existed. During the following hour Kristijan was quickly digging through his subconscious, cleaning everything he could find, and which was up to then too scary for him to face. The pains completely disappeared, the strong ones which had lasted for ten days, and those from before, which had been there for nine years. All that was left were now considerably diminished pains in his shoulders and neck. Kristijan worked on those during the following couple of months, and they completely disappeared.
Since that moment, his health has been brought in balance, he has not had even a cold or a flu, and the pains in his body are nowhere to be found.
It was a surreal experience, which for Kristijan opened the door to a completely new perception, to the state of consciousness free from fear, even though, as he says, not entirely free, because uprooting fear is a life-long endeavor. However, the level of anxiety, doubt and indecision is indescribably lower in all spheres of his life.
That has opened the door to fresh ideas and new accomplishments for him, which, aided by his open mind and fearlessness, were unfolding one after another, in that way fulfilling all the plans that were developing in his mind. His first plan was to thoroughly investigate this method and find all the techniques which were in accordance with the self-healing technique. A couple of different alternative methods fitted in. Some of them include the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), the NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and different types of self-hypnosis, which all aided in better and easier entering the expertly hidden subconscious, where the root causes of all our problems are situated.
Those new findings convinced Kristijan that he give this knowledge to all those who were willing to take their health into their own hands. That tendency for independence has spread to other spheres of his life, so that, at present Kristijan is gathering people interested in living on a farm, where these teachings would be applied with much more ease, because nature already provides perfect conditions for a healthy life. With the help of applying the self-healing technique, this project could grow into something much larger, a life filled with happiness and peace, surrounded with support and security.
Kristijan has also written a second book on self-healing, in which he enters more deeply into the causes of our fears and ignorance, and he reveals in which way the Vedas play the most significant role of guidance through the life of an introspective person, and how it is really possible to reach the level of understanding which is needed for long-lasting happiness and health. Kristijan continues to give seminars and hold workshops throughout Croatia and the neighboring countries.
More about his work: