Arnel Hasic
Dharma Yoga "Life of a Yogi" cert. RYT 500
Arnel is a joyful, playful, curious person who finds his inspiration in his teachers, colleagues, friends and yoga students who attend his classes. His playful yoga teaching style is complemented by his strong background and rich experience in yoga. In 2012, he obtained his first yoga teaching certificate, RYT200 at the Divya Yoga Center and School. Shortly after, he started teaching at the Art of Living Studio and at Divya Yoga Center, where, under the guidance of his beloved teacher Sandra Petra Pintarić, he continued deepening his yoga knowledge and acquiring new experiences in different workshops and lectures delivered by local and international teachers.
Although Arnel's primary style was Slow Flow Vinyasa, he very rapidly found his motivation and challenge in Dharma Yoga. In 2015, his heart took him to New York City, to the founding father of Dharma Yoga, Sri Dharma Mittra, one of the greatest living yogis and yoga masters in the world. That same year, he completed the advanced „Life of a Yogi“ Teacher Training RYT500, at the Dharma Yoga Center in New York City, where he had the immense privilege of learning directly from Sri Dharma Mittra.
In addition to working as a Yoga Teacher, Arnel is also Aromatherapist, Masseur, and Caregiver. Where does his path end? He doesn't know himself ... Just like in yoga, it is the path that matters, not the goal“. The pleasure comes from little things in life, from working on one's self, and helping others.
Although Arnel's primary style was Slow Flow Vinyasa, he very rapidly found his motivation and challenge in Dharma Yoga. In 2015, his heart took him to New York City, to the founding father of Dharma Yoga, Sri Dharma Mittra, one of the greatest living yogis and yoga masters in the world. That same year, he completed the advanced „Life of a Yogi“ Teacher Training RYT500, at the Dharma Yoga Center in New York City, where he had the immense privilege of learning directly from Sri Dharma Mittra.
In addition to working as a Yoga Teacher, Arnel is also Aromatherapist, Masseur, and Caregiver. Where does his path end? He doesn't know himself ... Just like in yoga, it is the path that matters, not the goal“. The pleasure comes from little things in life, from working on one's self, and helping others.